Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Copper Development Centre is the peak body for the copper industry in Australia, repre-
senting some of the country's most inl uential companies in mining, manufacturing, pro-
duction, and recycling. ( www.copper.com.au )
Eco-Efi ciency and Cleaner Production (EECP) site gives examples, case studies, and tools for
reducing environmental impacts and saving money across a wide range of industries includ-
ing mining. ( www.environment.gov.au/settlements/industry/corporate/eecp/index.html )
European Copper Institute (ECI) and its members are committed to strengthening and
expanding copper usage in Europe. On behalf of its members, ECI aims to strengthen
public awareness of copper's value to society and its role in the environment, based on sci-
entii c research. ( www.eurocopper.org )
Euromines is a federation whose membership includes many of the larger European min-
ing companies and several national European mining associations. Its interests and activi-
ties go beyond the boundaries of the EU, though its primary focus is on European issues.
( www.euromines.org )
Council for Responsible Jewellery Practices (CRJP) was founded in May 2005 with 14
members from a cross section of the diamond and gold jewellery supply chain, from mine
to retail. Council members believe that a coordinated worldwide approach to addressing
ethical, social and environmental challenges will drive continuous improvement through-
out the jewellery industry to the benei t of stakeholders. ( www.responsiblejewellery.com )
The Equator Principles have been a huge step forward for the private i nancial sector, in
terms of having a common framework for assessing and managing environmental and
social risk in project i nancing based on an external and respected benchmark, namely the
World Bank and IFC sector-specii c pollution prevention and abatement guidelines, and
IFC safeguard policies ( www. equator-principles.com ).
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative announced by the previous UK Prime
Minister Tony Blair at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg,
September 2002, aims to increase transparency in transactions between governments and
companies within extractive industries. ( www.eitransparency.org )
Global Mining Initiative (GMI) is a program by the world's leading mining and metals
companies to develop their industry's role in the transition to sustainable development.
( www.icmm.com/gmi.php )
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a multi-stakeholder process and independent insti-
tution whose mission is to develop and disseminate globally applicable Sustainability
Reporting Guidelines. ( www.globalreporting.org )
The Gold Institute is an international industry association representing companies that
mine and rei ne gold. The Gold Institute provides a central access point for topics like
how gold is produced, or answers to frequently asked questions. ( www.goldinstitute.org/
news/pr2may00.html )
Green LeadTM Project is the use of best practices in all aspects of mining, transport, man-
ufacture, use and reuse of lead in order to minimize people and planet exposure to lead.
The concept is based on taking a 'whole of life cycle' approach to lead and its impacts on
people and the environment and to analyze all of them. ( www.greenlead.com )
Industrial Minerals Association (IMA) provides in-depth coverage of several industrial
minerals (namely silica, kaolin, feldspar, perlite, bentonite, borates, talc and calcium car-
bonate) in Europe. ( www.ima-eu.org )
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