Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
IFC (2006) Environmental and Social Performance Standards, International Finance
Cooperation, Washington DC, USA, available at www.ifc.org
MMSD (2002) Breaking New Ground; Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development
(MMSD) Project; published by Earthscan for IIED and WBCSD
NORAD (1999) The Logical Framework Analysis Handbook, Norwegian Agency for
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Rietbergen-McCracken J and Narayan D (1998) Participation and social assessment -
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The World Bank
Salmen L (1995) Benei ciary assessment: An approach described. World Bank,
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UNDP Technical Series, New York. PACT Publications, 777 United Nations Plaza,
New York.
SustainAbility and IFC (2002) Developing Value: The Business Case for Sustainability in
Emerging Markets
UNDP (1998) Empowering People: A Guidebook on Participation, United Nations
Development Program, New York ( http://www.undp.org/csopp )
USEPA (1999) Community Based Environmental Protection. United States
Environmental Protection Agency EPA.230-B-96
Wates N ed. (2000) The Community Planning Handbook, London, Earthscan
World Bank (1989). Operational Directive 4.01 on Environmental Assessment, converted
in 1999 into a new format: Operational Policy (OP) 4.01 and Bank Procedures (BP) 4.01
World Bank (2003) Striking a Better Balance, Volume 1: The World Bank Group and
Extractive Industries. The Final Report of the Extractive Industries Review, December
World Bank (2004) Capacity building for local stake holder in key mining regions -
awareness-raising, coni dence-building and empowerment; Materials for a i ve day
Multi-Sector Workshop on Environmental and Social Management in Mining Projects,
The Philippines; published by the Philippine Business for Social Progress
World Bank and ICMM (2005) The Community Development Toolkit, published under
the ESMAP Formal Report Series, Report No. 310/05, October 2005, www.esmap.org
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