Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Other refuse resulting from exploration activities should be removed and disposed of
in an acceptable manner upon completion of the exploration activities.
Sound environmental management practices require guidance from qualii ed profes-
sionals. Access to such expertise should be available at all stages of exploration. The nexus
between safety, occupational health and pollution control should be provided for by enabling
the available expertise in these areas to coordinate their activities and inputs into the design of
the exploration programme. Environmental operating practices will more effectively trans-
late into good environmental performance when i eld personnel are trained to recognize the
potential environmental implications of their actions and are motivated to act responsibly.
Exploration managers should strive to maintain a high level of environmental awareness.
Monitoring programmes as illustrated in Table 3 help to demonstrate compliance with
good environmental management practice. An internal company monitoring report,
including an interpretation of all monitoring results, should be completed each year. This is
to ensure successful operation of control strategies, compliance with statutory requirements
and to coni rm that planned management procedures have been successfully undertaken.
Examples of Environmental Monitoring Programmes during Exploration - A variety of monitoring methods may be employed: visual monitoring,
vegetation, water and erosion monitoring. An internal company monitoring report, including an interpretation of all monitoring results, should be completed each year
Land Resources
To identify gully erosion on disturbed land
To detect failure of contour and diversion
banks, waterways and gullies
To measure soil loss rates
Measure controls and relate to UMA
Monthly in wet season
Every runoff event
Compare vegetation growth with adjacent
Survey to UMA, measure vegetation
cover and/or bulk
Annual to broad level, detailed
when required
Land Capability
Measure tree/shrub establishment
To measure land capability of rehabili-
tated areas (includes identifi cation of toxic
Inspection/Photographic recording,
Count trees/shrub 1 m in height in
transects in UMA
Measure of exploration activity on
downstream water quality compared to
upstream sites
Runoff events or monthly during
fl o w s
Water Resources
Surface Runoff
To monitor water quality
Impact of exploration activity on
downstream water quality compares to
upstream sites
Runoff events or monthly during
fl o w s
Groundwater (where
To monitor groundwater quality
Groundwater bores
Air and Noises
Proximity of dwellings from
exploration activity
Mapping of any dwellings with respect to
proximity to air and noise emanating from
exploration activities
Investigate issues raised
On a nuisance basis
Social Issues
Regional Infrastructure
Check for adverse impacts
Investigate issues raised
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