Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Potential show stoppers
Raise red fl ags. Environmental input in mine design at an early stage is essential - fun-
damental changes can be made to the project without excessive cost implications and
without causing project delays. Potential show stoppers are many and varied. They may
relate to the environmental setting (e.g. coral reef habitats close to a proposed port site)
over stringent host government standards (e.g. stringent NO x standards) to complex land
ownerships issues.
Project opportunities
Identify potential project benefi ts (besides the usual suspects of providing employment
opportunities and improving water supply). Is there a potential environmental offset com-
ponent? Does rehabilitation allow developing a long-term biofuel program?
Recommended future
Scoping provides one of the best opportunities to minimize the quantity of baseline
work. Identify issues of little concern to enable them to be eliminated from detailed con-
sideration. Ensure that EIA studies are focused on signifi cant issues and the environmental
components involved in their evaluation
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