Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Examples of Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation Techniques
Qualitative Measures
Quantitative Measures
Plan view map showing observation points and
estimated vegetation coverage
Scaled vegetation map quantifying coverage areas
Vegetation (species list and relative abundance
Vegetative diversity, dominance, density, cover, and
Fixed point panoramic photographs, including satellite/
aerial photography
Topographic mapping
General observations on climate, hydrology, soils
Rainfall and water level data, Stream gauging, Water
quality and soil properties data
Wildlife observations
Wildlife counts
Fish and macro-invertebrate (species list and relative
abundance estimates)
Fish and macro-invertebrates (diversity, density and
when baseline data relate to specii c thresholds. Conversely, in situations where survey
results are not tied to quantitative criteria, qualitative evaluations are often appropriate. In
practice, a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods is usually employed in the
same survey. Table 8.3 lists examples of qualitative and quantitative evaluation techniques.
Except in those rare cases where relevant, detailed data have previously been collected
from a proposed mine site, desktop studies can only indicate the likely range of envi-
ronmental conditions at the site. Fieldwork undertaken as part of the baseline survey is
necessary to establish quantitative data. There are many approaches to establishing the
environmental baseline, considering that the host environment may be already impacted
by human activities, and that any environment varies over time, even in the absence of a
project. As a general rule, the longer and the more comprehensive the scope of baseline
surveys, the more representative the outcome. Baseline studies, however, always represent
snapshots in time. Consideration of relevant long-term data such as climate records and
historical information about local communities, is required to provide a context for the
results of i eldwork. For example, it is important to know whether the i eld surveys were
undertaken during or following normal or extreme climatic conditions.
Planning is the i rst step to successful i eldwork. The planning process is to baseline
surveys what a foundation is to a building. Poor planning, like a poor foundation, often
produces shaky results. Planning will also save time and money but more importantly
planning outlines what are required to accomplish the objectives of i eld surveys. Planning,
whether viewed as a process or an analytical framework, is not linear but iterative. That is,
the results of early steps often need to be revised after later steps are completed. A good
reason for documenting the i eldwork plan is so that it can be reviewed by data users.
Some jurisdictions require that work plans for i eld surveys and for EIA preparation be
reviewed and approved by the regulating authority prior to initiating actual i eldwork.
While this text may assist in the design of baseline surveys it does not offer detailed
descriptions of i eld and laboratory methods. These issues are well documented in the
literature (e.g. Clark, editor, 2003). We also do not attempt to provide a concise synop-
sis of the wide range of i eld investigations, which indeed would be too ambitious for a
The longer and the more
comprehensive the scope of
baseline surveys, the more
representative the outcome.
Poor planning, like a poor
foundation, often produces shaky
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