Graphics Programs Reference
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Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple Intelligences: The
Theory in Practice . New York: Basic Books.
McLuhan, E., & Zingrone, F. (Eds.). (1995). Es-
sential McLuhan . New York: Basic Books.
Gardner, H. (1999). Intelligence Reframed: Mul-
tiple Intelligences for the 21 st Century . New York:
Basic Books.
McLuhan, M. (1964). Understanding Media: The
Extensions of Man . New York: McGraw Hill.
McLuhan, M., & Powers, B. R. (1989). The
Global Village, Transformations in World Life
and Media in the 21st Century (p. 3). New York:
Oxford University Press.
Gardner, H. (2009). 5 Minds for the Future . Boston,
MA: Harvard Business School Press.
Healy, J. (1990). Endangered Minds, Why children
don't think and what we can do about it (p. 332).
New York: Touchstone.
Negroponte, N. (1995). Being Digital . New York:
Vintage Press.
Healy, J. (1999). Failure to Connect: How Comput-
ers Affect Children's Minds—and What We Can
Do About It . New York: Touchstone.
Palfrey, J., & Gasser, U. (2008). Born Digital:
Understanding the first generation of digital na-
tives . New York: Basic Books.
Levinson, P. (1999). Digital McLuhan: A Guide
to the Information Millennium . New York: Rout-
Schrag, F. (1992). Conceptions of Knowledge. In
Jackson, P. W. (Ed.), Handbook of Research on
Curriculum (pp. 268-301). New York: MacMillan
Publishing Company.
Longstreet, W. S. (2005,May). Personal com-
munication to Nan Adams .
Turkle, S. (1997). Life on the Screen, Identity in
the Age of the Internet . New York: Simon and
Machlup, F. (1980). Knowledge: Its Creation,
Distribution, and Economic Significance: Vol.
I . Types of Knowledge . Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press.
Turkle, S. (1984, 2005). The Second Self: Com-
puters and the Human Spirit . New York: Simon
and Schuster.
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