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Chapter 5
Digital Intelligence:
A New Way of Knowing
Nan B. Adams
Southeastern Louisiana University, USA
The multiple intelligences theoretical framework developed by Gardner (1983) is employed to argue for
the recognition of the emergence of a new, digital intelligence. Each of the dimensions of a discrete intel-
ligence as described by this framework is satisfied along with a discussion of the nature of knowledge,
ways of knowing and the nature of how society describes intelligence. These discussions are then used
as further evidence that considerations for the ways digital communication technologies are changing
the way we think and learn are imperative to effective educational practice. The desired outcome is
recognition of this emerging intellectual preference in the design of responsive educational programs
and practices.
for social implications or considerations for de-
sign for positive cultural outcomes. For educators
who must prepare current and future generations
for engagement in this rapidly evolving world
environment, it is critical they be made aware of
the emerging digitally-formed intellectual style.
In our postmodern pluralistic global culture,
Multiple Intelligence Theory has enjoyed suc-
cess and an educational guide for teaching and
learning and has impacted teaching practice. The
Multiple Intelligences theoretical framework is
easily employed to provide common understand-
ing to acknowledge and accommodate the notion
Through interaction with digital technologies for
work, play and communication human patterns
for intellectual development are being altered.
Instantaneous communication among world com-
munities is commonplace, where 20 years ago it
was a dream. Learning and communication modes
among world populations have changed drastically
as a result of interaction with digital technologies.
This change is occurring without much thought
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61692-822-3.ch005
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