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Chapter 4
ICT Applications in U.S.
Higher Education
Michelle O. Crosby-Nagy
George Washington University, USA
John M. Carfora
Loyola Marymount University and the Immersive Education Initiative, USA
This chapter examines applications of information and communications technologies (ICTs) for educa-
tion, including multi-user virtual environments (MUVEs) and their returns to teaching and learning in
U.S. higher education. ICT applications are most valuable when used in the context of courses with a
team-based approach to learning or collaboration opportunities. Some drivers of ICT integration are
discussed including the internationalization of higher education and the Millennial generation as the new
customers of higher education. Recommendations for the fundamentals of positive ICT applications and
integration are provided, as well as a discussion about the future of ICT applications such as MUVEs.
of educational technology a high priority. As a
result, researchers are being pressed to examine
the core educational value of ICT applications,
the status of ICT usage in a global context as
well as the predictors of ICT integration at both
the pedagogical and administrative levels. All
sectors of government, academic and industry
are watching for formulas for success.
The authors approached this research effort by
first verifying and substantiating claims that the use
of information and communications technology
(ICT) applications in higher education improves
learning. While it is difficult to measure teaching
and learning directly in almost any context, in
Popular usage of terms like Globalization , knowl-
edge-based society , and the Net Generation -along
with the progressively aggressive marketing of
concepts and products by educational technology
firms-have made technology and its use in higher
education a “hot topic” over the last decade. As
a result, a number of governments, and most re-
cently the U.S. government, have made support
for the study of information and communications
technology in education and for broad applications
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61692-822-3.ch004
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