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of technologies may be the most effective means
of achieving expected learning and institutional
outcomes. Another important concern is that there
are sufficient library and other learning sources
available, and that faculty members receive ap-
propriate training and technical support (Middle
States, 2002).
The concept of distance education has existed
for many decades. Early correspondence schools
used technologies such as typewriters and the
postal system (Hanna, 2000a). Some advertised
for students on matchbook covers (Hanna, 2000b).
The United States Distance Learning Association
(n.d.) defines distance learning as “The acquisi-
tion of knowledge and skills through mediated
information and instruction, encompassing all
technologies and other forms of learning at a dis-
tance.” Internet-based modalities have attracted a
great deal of attention, especially in recent years.
The technologies include asynchronous discus-
sion boards, interactive synchronous chats and
television broadcasts, closed-circuit television,
public television, video-conferencing, and e-mail
or other correspondence delivery. Most of these
were undreamed of only half a century ago, but
as mass communication matured, educational
providers could now provide their products and
services to learners stretched around the globe
(Hanna, 2001a). Dede (2000) likens the virtual
learning environment to the real world in which
cell phones, facsimile machines, e-mail, voicemail
and the seemingly instantaneous availability of
information afforded by the internet and broad-
band connections, supported by streaming audio
and video, can be used to simulate the milieu of
our everyday lives.
Online learning has been defined as “A method
of learning whereby some or most of the interac-
tion take place via the Web or other electronic
means.” (Central Queensland University, 2004),
“Any learning experience or environment that
relies upon the Internet/WWW as the primary
delivery mode of communication and presenta-
tion.” (University of South Dakota, 2005), and
“The process of learning new skills and acquiring
knowledge via the internet, without needing to be
physically present in the learning environment.”
(Education Development Center, 2005). Online
courses employ technology to deliver content,
usually without the benefit of synchronicity. Some
of the material may also be delivered in a physical
classroom - “…students can work with course
materials at their own convenience or they can
work collaboratively on class projects using tools
like chat and discussion groups (bulletin boards).”
(Ohio State University, 2004). CoursePal (2003)
notes that students in remote locations use web
browsers with plug-in enhancements to connect
to a portal containing links and other resources.
These definitions summarize the salient points
about online learning, and distance learning in
general, especially when considered alongside the
previously noted definitions, where the instructor
and learners are separated by either time or place,
and technology is employed to deliver content
(Middle States CHE, 2002; Monroe Community
College, n.d.; United States Distance Learning
Association, n.d.).
Although decidedly low-tech by our standards,
for their time, the correspondence courses offered
by several highly regarded universities repre-
sented the state-of-the-art. As mentioned earlier,
the PLATO system was an early iteration of a
mainframe-hosted, technology-enhanced learning
support system that predates the World Wide Web
by two decades (Wooley, 1994). PLATO was intro-
duced in 1963 as the original educational software
and featured online forums, message boards, chat
rooms, private synchronous messaging, remote
screen sharing and multiplayer gaming, all features
of a modern online course management system
(Plato, 2005). The infrastructure at the time did
not support simultaneous video or audio feeds,
and most interaction was via the command line
A majority of modern institutions of higher
education have adopted and support some form
of distance education or online learning to supple-
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