Graphics Programs Reference
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Kemp, J. (2006). Putting a Second Life “Metaverse” skin
on Learning Management Systems . San Francisco: The
University of Paisley.
Kift, S. (2008, 30 June - 2 July). The next, great first
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coherent institution-wide approaches to enact the FYE
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Kemp, J. W., & Haycock, K. (2008). Immersive Learning
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Second Life. School Libraries Worldwide , 14 (2), 89-97.
King, K. P. (2002). Identifying success in online teacher
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Kirschner, P. A., Sweller, J., & Clark, R. E. (2006). Why
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An analysis of the failure of constructivist, discovery,
problem-based, experimental, and enquiry-based teach-
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Kennedy, C. A. (2001). Using a model of learner readiness
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online college student performance . Doctoral Disserta-
tion, University of California, Berkeley.
Kennedy, G., Dalgarno, B., Gray, K., Judd, T., Waycott,
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Providing choices for learners and learning. Proceedings
ASCILITE, Singapore 2007.
Kleiman, G.M. (2000). Myths and realities about technol-
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Klopfer, E., Perry, J., Squire, K., Jan, M., & Steinkuehler,
C. (2005). Mystery at the museum: a collaborative game
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Kenny, A. (2002). Online learning: Enhancing nurse
education? Journal of Advanced Nursing , 38 (2), 127-135.
Kerbs, R. W. (2005). Social and ethical considerations in
virtual worlds. The Electronic Library , 5 (23), 539-547.
Knapp, M. (1978). Nonverbal communication in human
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Khan, B. (Ed.). (2001). Web-based instruction . Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications, Inc.
Knowledge and skills for life: First results from the
OECD programme for international student assessment
(PISA) 2000 (2002). Journal of Economic Literature,
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Khanzode, A., Fisher, M., & Reed, D. (2007). Challenges
and benefits of implementing virtual design and construc-
tion technologies for coordination of mechanical, electri-
cal, and plumbing systems on large healthcare project. CIB
24 th W78 Conference,(pp. 205-212). Maribor, Slovenia.
Koch, L. C., Holland, L. A., Price, D., Gonzalez, G. L.,
Lieske, P., & Butler, A. (2002). Engaging new faculty in
the scholarship of teaching. Innovative Higher Education ,
27 (2), 83-94. doi:10.1023/A:1021153225914
Kientzle, T. (1995). Internet file formats . Scottsdale, AZ:
Coriolis Group Books.
Koch, M., & Fusco, J. (2008). Designing for growth:
Enabling communities of practice to develop and extend
their work online. In C. Kimble, P. Hildreth, & I. Bour-
don (Eds.), Communities of practice: Creating learning
environments for educators, Vol 1 & 2. Information Age
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