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Figure 2. Recursive model for knowledge development in virtual environments
strategies for fostering internalization in a virtual
environment are critical to the learner's strategic
use of the knowledge. The ways in which the
transfer of knowledge is gradually released to
become internalized knowledge often occurs in
the interactions between the facilitator of learn-
ing and the learner. The notion of scaffolding of
instructional strategies that support the transfer
of the knowledge is paramount to the goal of
knowledge development and ultimately knowl-
edge generation. Educational theory that has been
accepted for traditional learning environments
should provide guidance as we seek to construct
rich virtual learning environments that create
whole learning experiences. Thus, instructional
strategies and fertile learning environments that
address the entire range of student learning likes,
needs and concerns must be considered.
Adams, N. B., DeVaney, T. A., & Sawyer, S.
G. (2009). Measuring conditions conducive to
knowledge development in virtual learning envi-
ronments: Initial development of a model-based
survey. The Journal of Technology, Learning, and
Assessment , 8 (1).
Bloom, B. S. (1956). Taxonomy of Educational
Objectives, Handbook 1: The Cognitive Domain .
New York: David McKay Co., Inc.
Bruner, J. (1966). Toward a Theory of Instruction .
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Fuller, F. F. (1970). Personalized education for
teachers: An introduction for teacher educators .
The University of Texas at Austin, Research and
Development Center for Teacher Education.
Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple Intelligences: The
theory in practice . New York: Basic Books.
Hall, G. E. George, A., & Rutherford, W.L. (1979).
Measuring stages of concern about the innova-
tion: A manual for use of the SoC Questionnaire
(Report No. 3032). Austin: University of Texas
at Austin, Research and Development Center for
Teacher Education. (ERIC Document Reproduc-
tion Service No. ED 147 342)
Adams, N. B. (2004). Digital intelligence fostered
by technology. The Journal of Technology Stud-
ies , 30 (2).
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