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Jarmon, L., Traphagan, T., & Mayrath, M. (2008).
Understanding Project-Based Learning in Second
Life with a Pedagogy, Training, and Assessment Trio.
Educational Media International , 45 (3), 157-176.
Johnson, L. F., Levine, A., & Smith, R. S. (2007). 2007
Horizon Report . Austin, TX: The New Media Consortium.
Johnson, J., Zerwic, J., & Theis, S. (1999). Clinical
simulation laboratory: An adjunct to clinical teaching.
Nurse Educator , 24 (5), 37-41. doi:10.1097/00006223-
Jarvela, S. (1994). Cognitive apprenticeship model in a
technologically rich learning environment: Socioemo-
tional processes in learning interaction . ERIC document
ED 374 145.
Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, R. T. (1999). Making coopera-
tive learning work. Theory into Practice, 38 (2, Building
Community through Cooperative Learning), 67-73.
Jeffries, P., Woolf, S., & Linde, B. (2003). Technology-
based vs. traditional instruction: A comparison of two
methods for teaching the skill of performing a 12-lead
ECG. Nursing Education Perspectives , 24 (2), 70-74.
Johnson, L. (2008). NMC Virtual Worlds Announces
Plans for 2008 . Retrieved March 15, 2009 from http://
Jeffries, P. R. (2006). Designing simulations for nursing
education. In Oermann, M. H., & Heinrich, K. T. (Eds.),
Annual review of nursing education ( Vol. 4 , pp. 161-177).
New York: Springer.
Johnson, P. (2007). Snapshots of Second Life use in
UK HE and FE . Eduserv Foundation . Retrieved Jun
10 from
slsnapshots. Retrieved on 2008-08-04
Jeffries, M. (2001). Research in Distance Education .
Retrieved June 18, 2009 from http://www.digitalschool.
Johnson-Laird, P. (1983). Mental Models (Cognitive
Science, No 6) . Harvard University Press. Kent, S. L.
(2001). The Ultimate History of Video Games: From Pong
to Pokemon-The Story Behind the Craze That Touched
Our Lives and Changed the World . Three Rivers Press.
Jennings, N., & Collins, C. (2007). Virtual or Virtually
U: Education Institutions in Second Life. International
journal of Social Sciences, 2 (3), 180-186. Retrieved April
26, 2009 from
Johnston, S., & McCormack, C. (1997). Developing
research potential through a structured mentoring pro-
gram: Issues arising. Higher Education , 33 (3), 251-264.
Jiang, X. (2008). Towards the internationalisation of
higher education from a critical perspective. Journal
of Further and Higher Education , 32 (4), 347-358.
Johnston, M., & Cooley, N. (2001). What We Know
About: Supporting New Models of Teaching and Learn-
ing Through Technology . Arlington, Va.: Educational
Research Service.
Joƫls, M., Pu, Z., Wiegert, O., Oitzl, M. S., & Krugers,
H. J. (2006). Learning under stress: How does it work?
Trends in Cognitive Sciences , 10 (4). doi:10.1016/j.
Joly, K. (2007). A Second Life for Higher Education?
Retrieved May 26, 2009, from http://www.universitybusi-
Johnson, S. (2005). Everything bad is good for you: how
today's popular culture is actually making us smarter .
New York, NY: Riverhead.
Jonassen, D. H., Peck, K. L., & Wilson, B. G. (1999).
Learning with technology: A constructivist perspective .
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice Hall.
Johnson, K., & Groneman, N. (2003). Legal and il-
legal use of internet: Implication for educators.
Journal of Education for Business , 78 (3), 147-152.
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