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Chapter 21
Interactive Models Based on
Virtual Reality Technology Used
in Civil Engineering Education
Alcínia Zita Sampaio
University of Lisbon, Portugal
Pedro Gameiro Henriques
University of Lisbon, Portugal
Carlos Oliveira Cruz
University of Lisbon, Portugal
Octávio Peres Martins
University of Lisbon, Portugal
Concerning the educational task, a school of engineering can be reasonably expected to constantly
update computational resources which are in frequent use in the professions, technology which must be
introduced into the training of the student, leading to their adaptation for curricula in these disciplines.
The interaction allowed by three-dimensional geometric models could make an end to passive attitudes
of learners as an opposition to traditional teaching systems. In addition, virtual reality technology could
be applied as a complement to three-dimensional modeling, leading to a better communication between
the various stakeholders in the process, whether in training, in education or in professional practice.
Techniques of virtual reality were applied on the development of teaching models related to the construc-
tion activity. The involvement of virtual reality techniques in the development of educational applications
brings new perspectives to the teaching of subjects related to the field of Civil Engineering activity.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61692-822-3.ch021
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