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Students have a much better comprehen-
sion and understanding of the fundamental
concepts and structures presented in class,
tive displacement of some ions from their
symmetrical positions in the unit cell.
In Advanced Chemistry Laboratory students
have to synthesize a pigment that consists of a
chromophore and a ceramic crystal structure.
Therefore, AR can help students understand these
crystal structures and, therefore, the pigments.
Moreover, in Advance Chemistry Laboratory,
students have to write a report analyzing the results
and characterizations of the pigments which are
strongly related to their structure. The advantages
in this class are:
A powerful and flexible AR tool simplifies
the professors' task of explaining the basic
concepts related to materials structure.
So, the main advantage of applying AR to
Inorganic Chemistry is that the students achieve
a better understanding of the concepts and crystal-
line structures that are taught in these classes. That
way it becomes a powerful tool for the professors.
Now we are going to describe the main benefits
for the different classes where we use AR.
In Materials Science, the materials properties
are closely related to their structure, and students
have to acquire this knowledge. The main aspects
where AR can help are:
A better understanding of the crystal struc-
tures of each pigment.
Understand how the chromophores interact
with the crystal structures, or host matrix,
in each pigment, because pigments can be
classified attending to these criteria.
The definition and comprehension of the
crystal structure of solids, according to
their unit cell, the metallic crystal struc-
tures and the ceramic crystal structures.
Study the formation of these pigments,
paying special attention to solid solutions
and doping mechanisms.
For pigment characterization, one of the
most important techniques is X-ray dif-
fraction that entirely depends on the crys-
tal structure of the materials; to understand
this technique and its results, the crystal-
line systems must be studied.
Helping with solving problems where the
understanding of 3D structure is the key,
problems such as density computations,
unit cell volumes, atomic packing factor or
coordination number and geometry.
Understanding the relationship between
the lattice parameters and the unit cell ge-
ometry, in each crystalline system, their
crystallographic directions and planes.
Ceramic Inorganic Chemistry is completely
based on ceramics from an inorganic point of
view. In this class, the structure and microstruc-
ture of the materials are key to understand their
behavior and properties. Therefore, the principal
benefits of integrating AR in Ceramic Inorganic
Chemistry are:
Study the formation of ionic structures,
from the easiest ones to the more complex
Learning how the properties of some mate-
rials are extremely related to the symmetry
of their unit cell, for example, the electric
properties of ferroelectric materials, that
exhibit polarization in the absence of an
electric field and are based on the genera-
tion of a dipole moment caused by the rela-
Learning the silicates, their structures and
classification: silicates are one of the main
components of ceramics, and their classi-
fication, based on their structure, is very
important, although difficult to learn. The
reason is that the students tend to memo-
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