Graphics Programs Reference
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Bormann, C., Cline, L., Deisher, G., Gardos,
T., Maciocco, C., Dewell, D., Ott, J., Sullivan,
G., Wenger, S., & Zhu, C. (1998). RTP Payload
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Kozma, R. B. (2003). Technology, innovation
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Eugene, OR: Information Society for Technology
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La Greca, A. M., Bearman, K. J., & Moore, H.
(2002). Peer Relations of Youth with Pediatric
Conditions and Health Risks: Promoting Social
Support and Healthy Lifestyles. Developmental
and Behavioral Pediatrics , 23 , 271-280.
Chen, C. H., Wu, F. G., Rau, P. L. P., & Hung, Y.
H. (2004). Preferences of young children regard-
ing interface layouts in child community web
sites. Interacting with Computers , 16 , 311-330.
Lähteenmäki, P. M., Huostila, J., Hinkka, S., &
Salmi, T. T. (2002). Childhood cancer patients at
school. European Journal of Cancer , 38 , 1227-
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Chiasson, S., & Gutwin, C. (2005). Design Prin-
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HCI-TR-05-02, Computer Science Department,
University of Saskatchewan.
Lightfoot, J., Wright, S., & Sloper, P. (1999).
Supporting pupils in mainstream school with an
illness or disability: young people's views. Child:
Care, Health and Development , 25 , 267-283.
Collins, S., & O'Toole, V. (2006). The use of
Nuthall's unique methodology to better understand
the realities of children's classroom experience.
Teaching and Teacher Education , 22 , 592-611.
Lombaert, E. (2006). De behoefte van langdurig
zieke kinderen aan ICT-gebaseerde hulpmiddelen
voor onderwijs en betrokkenheid [The needs of
long-term sick children for ICT-based tools to sup-
port education and involvement] . Paper presented
at the Onderwijs Research Dagen, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands.
D'Auria, J. P., Christian, B. J., Henderson, Z. G.,
& Haynes, B. (2000). The Company They Keep:
The Influence of Peer Relationships on Adjustment
to Cystic Fibrosis During Adolescence. Journal
of Pediatric Nursing , 15 , 175-182.
Fels, D. I., Waalen, J. K., Zhai, S., & Weiss, P.
T. (2001). Telepresence under exceptional cir-
cumstances: enriching the connection to school
for sick children. In Proceedings of Interact (pp.
Lombaert, E., & Valcke, M. (2007). Instruction
of Long-Term Sick Children in Flanders: a Multi-
method, Multi-actor Study . Paper presented at
the American Educational Research Association
Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
Hadj-karim-kharrazi. H., Id, B., & Blustei, J.
(2005). Usability guidelines for usability test-
ing with children . Unpublished research report,
Dalhousie University, Canada.
Maheady, L., Harper, G. F., & Mallette, B.
(2001). Peer-Mediated Instruction and Inter-
ventions and Students with Mild Disabilities.
Remedial and Special Education , 22 , 4-14.
Jonge kamera.
Koomen, I., Grobbee, D. E., Jennekens-Schinkel,
A., Roord, J. J., & van Furth, A. M. (2003). Parental
perception of educational, behavioural and general
health problems in school-age survivors of bacte-
rial meningitis. Acta Paediatrica (Oslo, Norway) ,
92 , 177-185. doi:10.1111/j.1651-2227.2003.
Markopoulos, P., & Bekker, M. (2003). Interaction
design and children. Interacting with Computers ,
15 , 141-149. doi:10.1016/S0953-5438(03)00004-
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