Graphics Programs Reference
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Theory oriented: the design is (at least
partly) based upon theoretical proposi-
tions, and field testing of the design con-
tributes to theory building. (p. 5)
following research questions are stated in a way
that could be more appropriate for a qualitative
study, for instance, they avoid conjecturing about
possible cause and effect relationships.
For the Communities of
Practice Approach
Using the design-based research approach, a
process for the development of an educational
MUVE can be created where the iteration char-
acteristic is underscored (See Figure 1).
Reflecting on the previously proposed instruc-
tional strategies, some relevant research questions
can be suggested. Although the design-based
research approach can make use of quantitative
and qualitative methods to recollect data, a more
systemic and qualitative approach is recom-
mended bearing in mind the social aspects of the
situated learning paradigm and that learning in a
MUVE is a rather complex process. Thus, the
How does the declared domain of interest
vary during the learning process in a com-
munity of practice?
In terms of negotiation, discussion, reflec-
tion, and information co-creating and shar-
ing, how well does the collaborative par-
ticipation among members function?
What is the quality of the interactions av-
atars-avatars and avatars-resources within
the virtual environment?
Figure 1. Development process for an educational MUVE
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