Game Development Reference
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° In the following example, the leftmost element has a Preferred Height
set to 50 and its height is less than the rightmost element which has
not been set. With the parent Rect Transform set to 100 , the leftmost
element is not scaled up past its maximum to match its parent:
The leftmost child element overrides the layout and does not grow bigger
Flexible Width : The flexible width property can be best be described as a
width percentage of the containing group's Rect Transform . This is defined
as a number between 0 and 1 to indicate the percentage.
Remember, if you have left the default options on the group for
Child Force Expand , it will override any flexible settings of the
Layout Element , forcing the UI element to take up the maximum
space available within the group.
° In the following example, the topmost element has a Flexible Width
applied at 0.8 (80 percentage) and its width is smaller than the
bottommost element, which has not been set:
The topmost child element overrides the layout and only takes u 80% of the available width
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