Game Development Reference
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bool ShowHorizontal = false; // turn off horizontal scrollbar
void OnGUI() {
scrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(
new Rect(25, 325, 300, 200),
new Rect(0, 0, 400, 400),
ShowHorizontal ,
ShowVertical );
GUI.EndScrollView ();
Rich Text Formatting
Now having just plain text everywhere would not look that great and would likely
force developers to create images for all the text on their screens (granted a fair
few still do so for effect). However, Unity does provide a way to enable richer text
display using a style akin to HTML wherever you specify text on a control (only for
label and display purposes; getting it to work with input fields is not recommended).
In this HTML style of writing text, we have the following tags we can use to liven up
the text displayed.
This gives text a Bold format, for example:
The <b> quick </b> brown <b> Fox </b> jumped over the <b> lazy Frog</ b >
This would result in:
The quick brown Fox jumped over the lazy Frog
Using this tag will give text an Italic format, for example:
The <b><i> quick </i></b> brown <b> Fox </b><i> jumped </i> over the
<b> lazy Frog </b>
This would result in:
The quick brown Fox jumped over the lazy Frog
As you can probably guess, this tag will alter the Size of the text it surrounds.
For reference, the default size for the font is set by the font itself.
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