Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
The example will draw the box background and the Label , Text , and Button controls
on top of the box area and looks like this:
The box control can be useful to highlight groups of controls or providing a simple
background (alternatively, you can use an image instead of just text and color).
As with the other controls, the Box control supports styling using GUIStyle .
The Toggle/checkbox control
If checking on / checking off is your thing, then the legacy GUI also has a checkbox
control for you, useful for those times when you need to visualize the on/off state
of an option.
Like the TextField control, you pass the variable that manages Togglestate as
a parameter and it returns the new value (if it changes), so it is applied in code
as follows:
bool blnToggleState = false;
void OnGUI() {
blnToggleState = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(25, 150, 250, 30),
blnToggleState, "Toggle");
This results in the following on-screen result:
As with the Label and Button controls, the font of the text displayed can be altered
using either a GUIStyle or guiText GameObject property.
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