Game Development Reference
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All this does is it simply adds some flavor to our scene so it's not boring.
I've found in situations where you want a background and a
moving target that you want to follow, it is best to have the
background and the target use separate cameras.
After all that, our demo scene now looks like the following:
Lastly, let's kick our ship into action and make it at least look like it's moving:
Add a Rigidbody component ( Add Component | Physics | Rigidbody ) to
the SciFi_Fighter_AK5 and uncheck the Use Gravity property. (It's space;
there is no gravity!)
Add two new Empty GameObjects as children to the SciFi_Fighter_AK5
(right-click on the ighter and select Create Empty ). Name them Engine1
and Engine2 .
For Engine1 , set its Transform Position to X - 3.24 , Y - 0.04 , Z - 1.69
( Rotation values should all be 0 and Scale values should all be 1 ).
For Engine2 , set its Transform Position to X 3.49 , Y - 0.04 , Z - 1.69
( Rotation values should all be 0 and Scale values should all be 1 ).
If, for some reason, this does not place the engine's GameObjects in
the exhaust ports of the ship, just position them manually in relation
to the SciFi Fighter.
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