Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Getting forked
So you have decided you want to at least look through the code on your own
machine and make changes for yourself; so, what next?
Note: If you only want to download and examine the code you can skip
this step and jump straight to the following Downloading the code section.
You can change your mind at any time and return here if you suddenly
have the urge to make changes.
The first thing you do is to make your own source copy of the UI project; this process
is called Creating a Fork . This clones the entire project into your own area on
Bitbucket's own code servers, and every change you make within this new repository
is your own and (more importantly) linked back to the original project.
The link between your own copy of the project and the original is
crucial if you later want to send changes back to the original (parent)
project later.
It is very simple to create your own fork:
First navigate to the Unity UI Bitbucket site (
Unity-Technologies/ui ) .
Log in to Bitbucket, if you haven't done so already.
It's free to register and host your own projects on Bitbucket. So even after
you have finished playing with the Unity UI code you can go and create
your own public/private projects. If you also want to host your projects
on Bitbucket it's free; just be sure to configure your Unity environment in
the same way you do for GIT source control. Check out this post for more
details: .
Click on the Fork action in the top-left hand corner of the Bitbucket page.
You will now see a form (as shown in the screenshot) for your copy of the
project. Here you can select various options such as making it public or
private (can the rest of the world see it), what permissions to assign, and
whether you want a bug tracking system or Wiki attached to it.
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