Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Keep an eye on the following thread in the Unity UI forums, where most
of the scripts here came from, contributed from many stars of the forums:
At the time of writing, the following examples were found:
UI Window Base : This example started its life on the Unity forums and was
enhanced/updated and rewritten several times before I finally grabbed the
best of all the changes into one final script. Its main goal is to add, drag, and
drop support to any UI component. Additionally, this script now works with
all types of Canvases, Screen Space - Overlay , Screen Space - Camera , and
even World Space Canvases.
Curved Text : This script still amazes me for both its simplicity and
effectiveness. Add this to any Text component and watch your Text bend over
a programmable curve, complete with intensity (careful, Intensity 1 is very
strong, so you might want to use something more like 0.06!). This shows the
power of being able to modify the vertex data of a UI graphics component.
Gradient : This is another script from the same author as the Curved Text
script, yet again, it's brilliant in its implementation. Simply put, add this to
any component that provides vertex data and it will allow you to apply a
color gradient to it. It's just fun to play with and breaks down how it works
very clearly.
Tab Navigation : This is a simple, yet welcome extension for anyone who
needs to have forms in their title. Simply put, use Tab to go to the next field
and Shift + Tab to go to the previous field.
RaycastMask : This is an essential script especially if you have round or
complex-shaped graphics. It ensures that raycast events only fire when the
cursor is actually over your sprite not just the Rect Transform . This gives a
more accurate and finer test if you need something more granular (such as
individual image pixels) than just a box.
• More to come, keep an eye on the repository!
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