Game Development Reference
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With that in mind, let's edit the MyAlarmScannerModule script and add a new public
property for the Alarms as follows:
public GameObject[] Alarms;
Then replace the boiler plate line
TriggeredCameraLocation =;
with the following:
TriggeredCameraLocation =;
foreach (var alarm in Alarms)
if (!alarm.activeSelf)
TriggeredCameraLocation = alarm.transform.position;
This simply loops the alarms and if it finds one that is inactive, it sets the
TriggeredCameraLocation to the position of the triggered alarm; this will
then cause all the selected Droids to be activated.
With everything set, all that remains is to create an EventSystem in the scene
( Create | UI | EventSystem ), add the MyAlarmScannerModule script to the
EventSystem , then add all the Pickups to the Target Droids array property
and all the Alarms to the Alarms array property.
Note: We only add an EventSystem to the scene for the custom input
module. We don't actually need a Canvas or any UI components!
If everything went well, when you run the scene and move the sphere using
the arrow keys, when the Hero accidentally trips one of the alarms, they will be
assaulted from all sides by the cubes.
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