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As we intend to have more than one alarm, make this new creation a Prefab by
dragging the Alarm GameObject from the project Hierarchy to the Prefabs folder.
The Alarm GameObject should now turn blue in the project hierarchy to
denote it is now a prefab instance.
Now that we have our prefab, create an Empty GameObject in the scene, reset its
position, and name it Alarms (this will be our Alarms grouping object). Then drag our
current Alarm to the Alarms GameObject to make it a child, then reset its position.
Next position the Alarm in the scene at an appropriate point to trip the hero up
(as shown in the following screenshot). I placed it to the side between the Hero
sphere and the blocks (because I'm evil); additionally, (if you wish) raise it up a bit
on the Y axis (say 0.1 ) so that it is above the ground plane.
Now one Alarm is fun, but four are better, so duplicate the Alarm (by navigating to
Edit | Duplicate in the menu or Ctrl / Cmd D ) and move them to other positions in
the scene. Here is a screenshot of what I ended up with (but the final placement is up
to you!):
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