Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
The Drag Handlers events:
IInitializePotentialDragHandler : This is the first point at which a
drag could be taking place
IBeginDragHandler : This means a confirmed drag action has begun
IDragHandler : This means a UI component is being dragged
(pointer down and cursor movement)
IEndDragHandler : This means a dragged UI component has been released
(pointer released when dragging)
IDropHandler : This is the same as end drag but without drag data
The Miscellaneous handler events:
IScrollHandler : This occurs whenever scrolling is detected from an input
device; for example a mouse scroll wheel
IUpdateSelectedHandler : This occurs when the selected UI control is
ISelectHandler : This occurs when a UI control is selected/focused upon
IDeselectHandler : This occurs when a UI control is unselected/loses focus
IMoveHandler : This occurs whenever a controller moves
(uses Input.GetAxis )
ISubmitHandler : This occurs whenever a Submit button is pressed
(default, the Enter key)
ICancelHandler : This occurs whenever a Submit button is pressed
(default, the Esc key)
By using these interfaces in your scripts, you can automatically bind to these events
when they occur. Now that we know what's available, how do we use them?
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