Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
The Canvas and Cameras
So far, we have purely dealt with the basic Screen Space - Overlay Canvas , working
through the controls and layout systems necessary to build our UI/UX.
This is all crucial to understand the new UI and what it takes to paint your canvas.
The journey doesn't stop there, however. Once you have your painting (a nice, easy
way to depict a complete Canvas with the new Unity UI), you can go further. You
can opt to apply some camera perspective to how your fullscreen UI will be drawn
or take your painting and simply hang it where you want it in your game world.
As with everything, there are tips and tricks to make the most out of this
new system.
Screen Space and World Space
Back in Chapter 2 , Building Layouts , we walked over the canvas options for Screen
Space - Camera and World Space Canvases:
Each has its own capabilities above and beyond what the basic flat screen drawing
canvas offers us:
Screen Space - Camera : This takes the flat-drawn canvas and applies
camera effects, such as perspective, field of view, depth sorting, and culling,
and then applies this through the rendering cycle to the Canvas. This results
in a 3D -style-drawn Canvas UI rather than a flat system.
Obviously, you could achieve the same effect by having your art
assets created in a perspective view; however, this is time consuming
and difficult to get right. It is far easier to have some high-fidelity flat
images and then apply perspective while rendering (granted, there will
likely be a lot of debate on the best Quality path for this).
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