Game Development Reference
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4. Set the Target Graphic of the Slider to the Fill GameObject by either using
the Object Selector button to the right of the property or dragging the Fill
GameObject from the hierarchy to the property. (This is just so when the
user's mouse hovers over the control it will be highlighted; this is optional).
5. Set the Slider Width property to 200 .
6. Set the Slider Height property to 25 .
7. Select the Background GameObject in the Hierarchy and set the Color
property of the Image to Black (the slider background).
8. (optional) Resize the Rect Transform of the Background GameObject to fill
the area of the Slider GameObject).
9. Select the Slider again and set the Max Value property to 100 .
10. Check the box for Whole Numbers on the Slider .
11. Select the Fill GameObject in the project hierarchy and set the Color
property of the image to Green . (Green is good for health, isn't it?)
12. (optional) Resize the Rect Transform of the FillArea GameObject to fill the
area of the Slider GameObject).
A screenshot showing the health bar Slider with its value at 80 (80%)
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