Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
With these events, it is possible to write a script to enable any GameObject
(even non- Unity UI related) to react to these events as they are generated from
the Unity EventSystem , for example:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
public class eventHandler : MonoBehaviour, IPointerClickHandler {
#region IPointerClickHandler implementation
public void OnPointerClick (PointerEventData eventData)
//Do something with a click
The #region syntax is extremely useful for creating readable
script files. It allows you to collapse or expand the code within a
#region / #endregion block.
Check here for more details on using #regions to keep your code
files clean: .
This provides us with a base implementation to add click behavior to any
GameObject in a scene. More on this later
Remember, for the events to be managed and captured, you will need
the appropriate RayCast system attached to the camera that renders the
GameObject. For example, if you attached the previous script to a 3D
model, you would need to add the Physics Raycaster to the main 3D
camera and the 3D object would need some sort of 3D collider such as
Mesh collider .
Event Triggers
Not to be outdone by the previous weighty code-based approach for using input
events from the UnityEvent system, there is also a just-as-powerful graphical
system to add events to GameObjects using Event Triggers .
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