Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
At the core of Unity's new input event system, there are several interfaces that
describe all the different types of events the base implementation is able to handle:
I say base events because the system is fully extendable and you can
create your own events should you wish.
PointerEnter ( IPointerEnterHandler/OnPointerEnter ): This is similar to
the onTriggerEnte r or OnCollisionEnter interfaces. It denotes the point
when a cursor enters the region within a Unity UI control.
PointerExit (IPointerExitHandler/OnPointerExit ): Like onTriggerExit
or OnCollisionExit . It denotes the point when a cursor leaves the region of
a Unity UI control.
PointerDown ( IPointerDownHandler/OnPointerDown ): This is fired
when a Mouse button or Touch is held down; it fires for each frame where
the button/touch is held.
PointerUp ( IPointerUpHandler/OnPointerUp ): This is fired when a Mouse
or Touch is released from being held (Not on release of click).
PointerClick ( IPointerClickHandler/OnPointerClick ): This is fired when
the user releases the mouse click or a touch on the same GameObject it was
pressed on. (If the user hasn't moved the pointer off the GameObject.)
Drag ( IDragHandler/OnDrag ): This is fired when a draggable object is held
and movement has started in any direction (Movement delta increased).
Drop ( IDropHandler/OnDrop ): This is fired when a draggable item has been
moved and the mouse or touch has been released, finishing the movement.
Scroll (IScrollHandler/OnScroll ): Fired when a scroll wheel on a mouse
or controller is used.
UpdateSelected ( IUpdateSelectedHandler/OnUpdateSelected ): This is
fired whenever the contents of a control are updated, such as a text field.
Select ( ISelectHandler/OnSelect ): This is fired when an object or toggle is
selected and focus is achieved, for example, when navigation occurs between
Interactable GameObjects/Controls.
Deselect ( IDeselectHandler/OnDeselect ): This is fired when an object or
toggle is deselected and focus is lost. For example,when navigation occurs
between Interactable GameObjects/Controls.
Move (IMoveHandler/OnMove ): This is a continuous event that is fired while
a draggable object is being moved (Constant delta increase).
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