HTML and CSS Reference
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Checking the outline, however, shows us that everything is as it
should be ( Figure 2.7 ). You clever thing, you.
FIGURE 2.7 The outlining
algorithm produces the correct
outline in syndication, too.
1. The Monotonous Times
1. Breaking news
1. What I did on my holiday
<nav>, <aside> and untitled sections
A quick word about the outlining tool at
outliner/ , as you'll probably get into the habit of checking your doc-
ument's outline as part of your development process, much as you
regularly validate your code and check it in different browsers.
If it fi nds sectioning content that has no heading, it will report it:
<p>I have no heading</p>
This gives the outline “Untitled Section.” For <section> s and
<article> is this is a useful warning as these elements nearly
always begin with a heading.
However, inside <nav> and <aside> it's perfectly legitimate not
to have a heading. You may want to do it for some <nav> blocks,
such as “Most popular posts” or “Recent comments,” but you
probably don't want a redundant heading on your main site
<nav> that just says “Navigation.”
Therefore, if you see “Untitled Section,” don't automatically
assume that you should put a heading there. Treat it as a warning,
not an error. A bug has been filed to give a friendlier message for
untitled sections in <nav> , but so far has not been addressed.
Sometimes you have a heading and a subheading, or tag line.
Slashdot uses “news for nerds. News that matters”; dev.Opera
has “Follow the Standards. Break the Rules”; Metafilter is a “com-
munity weblog.” How do you mark up those taglines? In HTML 4,
you could use
<p>community weblog</p>
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