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Data Storage
Remy Sharp
STORING DATA ASSOCIATED with an application is
fundamental in nearly all applications, web or desktop.
This can include storing a unique key to track page
impression, saving usernames, preferences, and so on.
The list is endless.
Up until now, storing data in a web app required you
either to store it on the server side and create some link-
ing key between the client and the server—which means
your data is split between locations—or it would be stored
in cookies.
Cookies suck. Not the edible ones, the ones in the
browser. They're rubbish. There's a number of issues with
cookies that make working with them a pain. On starting
any new project that requires cookies, I'll immediately go
hunting for my cookie JavaScript library. If I can't fi nd that,
I'll head over to Google to fi nd Peter-Paul Koch's cookie
code, and copy and paste away.
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