Travel Reference
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Palota Palace; püspök-palota , a bishop's residence.
Pályaudvar ( pu .) Rail terminus.
Panzió Pension.
Patak Stream.
Pénz Money.
Piac Outdoor market.
Pince Cellar.
Rakpart Embankment or quay.
Református The reformed church, which in Hungary means the Calvinist faith.
Rendőrség Police.
Repülőtér Airport.
Rév Ferry.
Rom Ruined building.
Roma The romany word for gypsy, preferred by many Roma in Hungary.
Romkocsma Bar located in a ruined building or courtyard.
Sétány “Walk” or promenade.
Skanzen Outdoor ethnographic museum.
Sor Row, as in fasor , row of trees, ie avenue.
Söröző Beer hall.
Strand Beach, open-air baths or any area for sunbathing or swimming.
Szabadtér Open-air.
Szálló or szálloda Hotel.
Szent Saint.
Sziget Island.
Szoba kiadó Room to let.
Tájház Old peasant house turned into a museum, often illustrating the folk traditions of a region or ethnic group.
Táncház Venue for Hungarian folk music and dance.
Temető Cemetery.
Templom Church.
Tér Square; tere in the possessive case.
Terem Hall.
Tilos Forbidden; tilos a dohányzás means “smoking is forbidden”.
Torony Tower.
Türbe Tomb or mausoleum of a Muslim dignitary.
Udvar Courtyard.
Uszoda Swimming pool.
Út Road; in the possessive case, útja .
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