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appear as plural: eg könyvek means “books”, but “two books” is két könyv (using the singular
form of the noun).
Adjectives precede the noun ( a piros ház = the red house), adopting suffixes to form the
comparative ( = good; jobb = better), plus the prefix leg to signify the superlative ( legjobb
= the best).
Negatives are usually formed by placing the word nem before the verb or adjective. Ez (this),
ezek (these), az (that) and azok (those) are the demonstratives.
Achieving passably good pronunciation , rather than grammar, is the first priority (see gen-
eral guidelines ). Stress almost invariably falls on the first syllable of a word and all letters
are spoken, although in sentences the tendency is to slur words together. Vowel sounds are
greatly affected by the bristling accents (that actually distinguish separate letters) which, to-
gether with the “double letters” cs, gy , ly , ny , sz , ty , and zs , give the Hungarian alphabet its
formidable appearance.
a o as in h o t
á a as in f a ther
b b as in b est
c ts as in ba ts
cs ch as in ch ur ch
d d as in d ust
e e as in y e t
é ay as in s ay
f f as in f ed
g g as in g o
gy a soft dy as in d ue
h h as in h at
i i as in b i t, but slightly longer
í ee as in s ee
j y as in y es
k k as in sic k
l l as in l eap
ly y as in y es
m m as in m ud
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