Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
PéterNádas A Book of Memories. This translation of a novel about a novelist writing about a
novel caused a sensation when it appeared in 1998. A Proustian account of bisexual relation-
ships, Stalinist repression and modern-day Hungary in a brilliant translation by Iván Sanders.
Antal Szerb Journey by Moonlight . This Hungarian classic, written in 1937, tells the
story of a Hungarian businessman on honeymoon in Italy who embarks upon a mystical and
dazzling journey through the country. Len Rix's translation captures the atmosphere of the
original beautifully. Two more brilliant Szerb novels are The Pendragon Legend and Oliver
VII , one set in Wales and the other mainly in Venice, while his Martians' Guide to Budapest
is a delightful portrait of the city.
Carolyn Bánfalvi Food, Wine, Budapest. A very useful primer on Hungarian cuisine and
drink, with information about shopping, markets and restaurants. This first edition was prin-
ted in 2007, but a new edition is on the cards.
Susan Derecskey The Hungarian Cookbook. A good, easy-to-follow selection of traditional
and modern recipes.
StephenKirkland The Wine and Vines of Hungary. Authoritative and accessible guide with
tips on what to order. Covers the different wines of the country's regions, and their wine-
makers too.
George Lang The Cuisine of Hungary. A well-written and beautifully illustrated work,
telling you everything you need to know about Hungarian cooking, its history and how to do
it yourself.
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