Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
László Lugo Lugosi et al. Budapest - On the Danube; Walks In the Jewish Quarter ;
The Castle District ; Jewish Budapest ; Walks Around the Great Boulevard. A series of small-
format architectural guides - the last one is especially recommended.
Tamás Révész Budapest: A City before the Millennium. Excellent collection of black and
white photographs of the city, though the text can be irritating.
DoraWieberson et al. The Architecture of Historic Hungary. Comprehensive illustrated sur-
vey of Hungarian architecture through the ages.
RobertBideleux&IanJeffries A History of Eastern Europe: Crisis and Change. An excel-
lent and wide-ranging history of the region.
JuditFrigyesi Béla Bartók and Turn-of-the-century Budapest. Placing Bartók in his cultural
milieu, this is an excellent account of the Hungarian intellectual world at the beginning of the
twentieth century.
Jörg K Hoensch A History of Modern Hungary 1867-1994. An authoritative history of the
László Kontler Millennium in Central Europe: A History of Hungary. Another very thor-
ough and reliable history of the country, although its archaic style lets it down somewhat.
Paul Lendvai The Hungarians: 1000 Years of Victory in Defeat. Refreshing and authorit-
ative book on Hungary's complex and often tragic history, with particularly stimulating ac-
counts of the Treaty of Trianon and the subsequent Nazi and Communist tyrannies - there are
some fascinating pictures, too.
Bill Lomax Hungary 1956. Still probably the best - and shortest - book on the Uprising, by
an acknowledged expert on modern Hungary. Lomax also edited Eyewitness in Hungary , an
anthology ofaccounts byforeign Communists (most ofwhomwere sympathetic tothe Upris-
ing) that vividly depicts the elation, confusion and tragedy of the events of October 1956.
JohnLukács Budapest 1900 . Excellent and very readable account of the politics and society
of Budapest at the turn of the century, during a golden age that was shortly to come to an end.
John Man Attila the Hun. A beautifully written biography of the Magyars' mythical ancest-
or, illuminating horsemanship and warfare as practised by the Seven Tribes that later colon-
ized the Carpathian basin.
MichaelStewart The Time ofthe Gypsies. This perceptive bookonRoma culture is based
on anthropological research conducted in a Roma community in northern Hungary in the
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