Environmental Engineering Reference
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Flux components in y - and z -direction can also be taken into account, based on
formulae analogous to formula for the x -direction. The fluxes j y ; j ; j z and j
have to be introduced, balanced and the balances added on the right side of ( 2.1 ) and
( 2.2 ). Taking the limits
D y !
0 and
D z !
0 one obtains:
y @c
@t ¼ @
@x yj x þ @
@y yj y þ @
@z yj z
þ q
which is the generalized formulation of the mass conservation for three space
dimensions. Using the formal
-operator (speak: 'nabla'),
! in 2D,
¼ @
in 3D,
in 1D
the equation can be written more compactly:
y @c
@t ¼r y
þ q
-operator the short notation of the continuity
( 2.7 ) is valid in one-, two- or three-dimensional space. On the right side the
With the different forms of the
A as a vector product. In the
j x
j y
j z
operator is multiplied by the flux vector
¼ y
denotes the standard vector product, 4
formulae, here and in the following, the
which in MATLAB
is applied by using the * multiplication and the transpose of
one column vector. Examine with the following command:
An advantage of the formulation ( 2.7 ) is that it is valid for one-, two- and three-
dimensional situations. The number of components in the flux-vector and
operator is equal to the number of space dimensions. In two dimensions, as
illustrated in Fig. 2.4 , the flux vector has two components. The illustration is
concerned with a fluid, for which the mass conservation principle can also be
applied, as for any other chemical species. When the fluid density is not changing,
4 In three dimensions for vectors arbitrary vectors u and v:
A ¼ u x v x þ u y v y þ u z v z , not to be confused with the cross-product u v;
u x
u y
u z
v x
v y
v z
u v ¼
another formulation, found in the literature is: @c
@t ¼div j; divergence 'div' is another expression
for a vector product with the nabla-operator.
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