Environmental Engineering Reference
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phase diagram
variable 2
variable 1
Fig. 18.8 Phase diagram for a simple compartment model using MATLAB
equilibrium similar trajectories result, but the flow direction is opposite. It is left to
the reader to explore these different cases by modifying the 'phasediag.m' M-file.
Table 18.2 provides a classification of equilibria for a two variable system, based
on the real parts of the eigenvalues (see also: Hale and Ko¸ak ( 1991 )
Figure 18.9 provides a view of the stable oscillations that are obtained if both
eigenvalues are purely imaginary, i.e. if both eigenvalues have vanishing real
parts. The trajectories are circles around the origin, describing a cycling of the
corresponding variables: if variable 1 increases, variable 2 decreases and vice versa.
Turning points between these two situations are reached, when one of the variables
has a zero value and changes its sign.
For higher values of N the characterization of stable and unstable situations can
easily be extrapolated from the simple N ¼
2 case. If there is at least one eigenvalue
with a positive real part, the equilibrium is unstable. If real parts of all eigenvalues
are negative, there is convergence towards a stable solution. Degenerate situations,
in which there is at least one purely imaginary eigenvalue, can be interpreted
analogously to the five lower rows in Table 18.2 .
For 2D phase space calculation and visualization,
'pplane.m' by Polking is available on the web ( http://math.rice.edu/~dfield/ ). It
sets up a graphical user interface (GUI) and has several other convenient features.
The manual for the program is available as a topic (Polking 2004 ). We demonstrate
an application example in Chap. 19.
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