Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
if h0 > H
phi0 = -phi(iref,jref) + K*H*h0 - 0.5*K*H*H;
phi0 = -phi(iref,jref) + 0.5*K*h0*h0; % reference potential
hc = 0.5*H+(1/K/H)*(phi+phi0); % head confined
hu = sqrt ((2/K)*(phi+phi0)); % head unconfined
phicrit = phi0 + 0.5*K*H*H; % transition confined / unconfined
confined = (phi>=phicrit); % confined / unconfined indicator
h = confined.*hc+~confined.*hu; % head
The reference value phi0 is computed in the first five lines. If the specified
reference head h0 exceeds the aquifer depth H , the aquifer is confined, otherwise it
is unconfined. For those situations the reference potential is computed using
different formulae, which are obtained by solving ( 14.13 ) for
' 0 .
Then the heads hc and hu for the confined and the unconfined situation are
both calculated. phicrit is the critical potential value at which the aquifer
switches between confined to unconfined state, according to formula ( 14.14 ).
The confined array contains a 1 at every entry corresponding to a mesh node,
where the aquifer is confined, and a 0 at every entry that corresponds with
a mesh node where the aquifer is unconfined. In the final command the real
2D head array is computed. Each entry related to a location in the confined part
takes the hc value, and the hu value if that is related to a location in
the unconfined part of the aquifer. ' ~ ' is the negation operator, switching an
1-entry to 0 and vice versa.
It is useful to indicate to the user the state of the aquifer within the model-region.
In the demonstration example below, messages concerning the state of the aquifer
are displayed in the command window. The display command produces a mes-
sage in the command window, showing the text string specified in the brackets.
if all(all(confined))
display ('aquifer confined');
if all(all(~confined))
display ('aquifer unconfined');
display ('aquifer partially confined and unconfined');
if any(any(h<0))
display ('aquifer falls partially dry');
h = max(0, h);
For a confined aquifer the confined array contains only 1s. Here we use the
® all command to question if all entries are 1. The command has to be
used twice, as it operates on columns first, i.e. for a 2D array the command all(A)
produces a line vector with the same number of columns as A . The column has
a 1-entry for each column containing non-zero elements only. The second call
gathers all columns. Some other MATLAB
commands operate on the same idea.
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