Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
function par_est
% parameter estimation with derivatives
% for exponential fit for lambda
global tfit cfit c0
% specify fitting data
tfit = [0.25 1 2 4 8];
cfit = [0.7716 0.5791 0.4002 0.1860 0.1019];
c0 = 0.8; lambda0 = 0.5;
lambda = fzero(@myfun,lambda0);
normc = norm(cfit-c0*exp(-lambda*tfit));
display (['Best fit for lambda = ' num2str(lambda)]);
display (['Norm of residuals =' num2str(normc)]);
tmax = tfit(size(tfit,2));
t = [0:0.01*tmax:tmax];
figure; plot (tfit,cfit,'or',t,c0*exp(-lambda*t),'-');
legend ('given','modelled');
text(0.5*tmax,c0*0.7,['\lambda: ' num2str(lambda)]);
text(0.5*tmax,c0*0.8,['norm of residuals: ' num2str(normc)]);
function f = myfun(lambda);
global tfit cfit c0
c = c0*exp(-lambda*tfit); %solve linear decay eq. for c with c(0)=c0
f = (cfit-c)*(c.*tfit)'; % specify function f to vanish
The corresponding M-file 'parest.m' is included in the accompanying
The vectors of fitting data tfit and cfit as well as the initial concentration c0 are
now specified in the input section of the M-file. Also the initial value for
(in the
M-file called lambda0 ) is specified at the beginning. normc , computed directly after
the calculation of
, represents the norm of the residuals. The next two lines initiate
output of lambda and normc in the MATLAB
command window. The last four
commands in the main module produce a plot showing given values and best fit
curve, the best fit value and the norm of residuals. The following figure is the plot
obtained for the microcystins example data introduced at the beginning of this
chapter (Fig. 10.5 ).
The optimum l is 0.3329 and the norm of residuals is 0.0646. Obviously, the
function with the new value of
is a much better fit than the exponential fit of the
previous sub-chapter that was obtained by polynomial curve fitting.
Using the calculated
one may have the idea to improve the fit further by
changing c 0 in formula ( 10.2 ). For this purpose, the 'par_est.m' file has to be
changed slightly in order to optimize for c 0 and not for
. Instead of condition
( 10.8 ) one obtains:
@c 0 ¼ 2 X cðt fit Þc fit
@c 0 ðt fit Þ¼ 0
The factor 2 can be omitted. Evaluation of the last factor delivers the condition:
X cðt fit Þc fit
ð l t fit Þ¼
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