Environmental Engineering Reference
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a study on river water infiltrating an aquifer where redox zones are in the range of
10-100 m. Further studies on bank filtration were published by Doussan et al .
( 1997 ). A similar range is often met downstream of contaminated sites and landfills
(Keating and Bahr 1998 ; Lu et al. 1999 ).
The approach, presented above for sulphate reduction as one of the dominant
redox processes, can be extended to treat such a sequence of redox reactions. This is
achieved by the introduction of so-called inhibition terms. If the abundance of
species with concentration c inhibits some other kinetics, the formula for the latter
should contain the inhibition factor
kþc with a suitable value for the inhibition
parameter k . Clearly, the factor is small for high values of c , and approaches one for
low values.
The idea is demonstrated on a rudimentary redox model containing the first three
redox reactions of Table 9.1.
The command listing for the file, included in the accompanying software under
'redoxsteady.m' , is as follows:
L = 100; % length [m]
v = 1; % velocity [m/s]
D = 0.02; % diffusivity [m*m/s]
lambda = 0.01; % organic carbon degradation parameter [1/m]
k1 = [0.1; 1; 0.2]; % 1. Monod parameter [m/s]
k2 = [0.035; 1]; % 2. Monod parameter [kg/m*m*m]
k3 = [3.5e-3; 1]; % inhibition coefficient [kg/m*m*m]
corg = 1; % organic carbon concentration at interface
cin = [4; 3; 0.001]; % interface concentrations [kg/m*m*m]
N = 100;
% number of nodes
x = linspace(0,L,N);
solinit = bvpinit (x,[cin; zeros(3,1)]);
sol = bvp4c(@redox,@bcs,solinit,odeset,D,v,lambda,k1,k2,k3,corg,cin);
%---------------------- graphical output --------------------------
plot (x,corg*exp(-lambda*x),sol.x,sol.y(1:3,:));
legend ('C_{org}','O_2','NO_2','Mn'); grid;
function dydx = redox(x,y,D,v,lambda,k1,k2,k3,corg,cin)
c0 = corg*exp(-lambda*x);
monod = k1.*y(1:2)./(k2+y(1:2));
monod(3) = k1(3);
inhib = k3./(k3+y(1:2));
dydx = zeros (6,1);
dydx(1) = y(4);
dydx(4) = (v*y(4)+c0*monod(1))/D;
dydx(2) = y(5);
dydx(5) = (v*y(5)+c0*monod(2)*inhib(1))/D;
dydx(3) = y(6);
dydx(6) = (v*y(6)-c0*monod(3)*inhib(1)*inhib(2))/D;
function res = bcs (ya,yb,D,v,lambda,k1,k2,k3,corg,cin)
res = [ya(1:3)-cin; yb(4:6)-zeros(3,1)];
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