Environmental Engineering Reference
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body and in the sediment compartment. Thus, the oxygen saturation limit c DO,sat
depends on local circumstances and is not an universal (not even a terrestrial)
However, the reaeration process will make oxygen concentration converge to the
limit. Therefore in the most simple approach the difference from the limit c DO;sat
c DO determines the rate of DO-change aside from the kinetic parameter k 2 .
The system ( 9.1 ) of two differential equations is quite simple to solve. The first
equation contains only one dependent variable ( c BOD ) and has an exponential
function as analytical solution. With that solution one can regard the second
equation as a differential equation for c DO .Together,both( 9.1 ) form a linear
system. A method for the solution of general linear systems is presented below
(Chap. 18). The following lines are a special implementation for the Streeter-
Phelps system. The presented numerical approach can also be extended to non-
linear systems of equations, which may appear if there are complex parameter
T = 25; % maximum time [T]
k1 = 0.3; % deoxygenation rate coefficient [1/T]
k2 = 0.4; % reaeration rate coefficient [1/T]
DOsat = 11; % DO saturation [M/L^3]
BODin = 7.33; % initial BOD [M/L^3]
DOin = 8.5; % initial DO concentrations [M/L^3]
fBOD = 1; % natural BOD inflow [M/(L^3*T)]
N = 60; % discretization of time
%---------------------- execution ---------------------------------
% BOD = y(1), DO = y(2)
options = odeset('AbsTol',1e-20);
[t,y] = ode15s(@SP,[0 T],[BODin; DOin],options,k1,k2,DOsat,fBOD);
%---------------------- graphical output --------------------------
plot (t,y);
legend ('BOD','DO');
xlabel ('traveltime'); ylabel ('concentration');
%---------------------- function ----------------------------------
function dydt = SP(t,y,k1,k2,DOsat,fBOD)
dydt = zeros(2,1);
dydt(1) = fBOD-k1*y(1);
dydt(2) = k2*(DOsat-y(2))-k1*y(1);
The complete code is included in the accompanying software under the name
Input values for the example are adopted from Deaton and Winebrake ( 2000 ).
Deoxygenation and reaeration rate coefficients are given in 1/d. BOD inflow
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