Environmental Engineering Reference
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The following reaction example between hydrogen H , nitrotriacetic acid NTA
(a chelating agent in detergents influencing the metal ion activity in aqueous
systems), and cobalt (II) Co demonstrates the case:
There are five species involved in three reactions and the corresponding reaction
matrix is:
it is easy to check if the above given requirement is fulfilled. The
rank of the matrix is the maximum number of independent reactions. In the example
In fact, only two of the given reactions are independent. The rank is lower than 3
and thus not maximal. The chemical system is treated in more details by Fang et al.
( 2003 ). In order to obtain a maximum rank for the given example, one of the three
reactions has to be omitted. The resulting 2
5 matrix has maximum rank.
Without mentioning we assume a matrix of maximum rank in all following
theoretical derivations.
8.3 Speciation Calculations
The equation for a system of species in equilibrium is given by:
S T r eq ¼
The problem with the system ( 8.15 ) is that it can not be computed directly,
because the exchange rates of the equilibrium reactions r eq are neither known,
nor are they given by an explicit expression. In order to reach an appropriate
formulation, the equations have to be added up in a way that eliminates the
unknown reaction rates. There are N s equations in the system ( 8.15 ), and there
are N r equilibrium conditions for the reactions. Usually N s >N r holds, i.e. the
system is overdetermined.
In order to complete the system ( 8.15 ), N s -N r
additional conditions in form
specified values
total concentrations can be given (Steefel and
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