Environmental Engineering Reference
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According to the law of mass action (see sub-chapter 8.2), the equilibrium condition
for the given reaction is given by the equation:
c c n c
c a n a c b n b ¼ K
with a specific reaction-dependent equilibrium constant K .
The general solution procedure for the entire system is as such: solve the differen-
tial ( 8.4 ) in order to obtain the variables A :¼ c a þ
n a
n b
n c c c as
functions of time and space! In a second step, determine for each location and time
instant the three unknown values c a , c b and c c
n c c c
and B :¼ c b þ
from the three known values A , B
and K !
In order to perform this task, we utilize the resulting explicit formulae for c a and c b
as functions of c :¼ c c as well as A and B : c a ¼ A n a =nð Þc c , c b ¼ B n b =nð Þc c .
Thus we may re-write ( 8.5 )as:
c n c
n a
n b ¼ K
n a
n b
n c c
n c c
n a
n b
n a
n c c
n b
n c c
fðcÞ :¼ c n c
K ¼
The further task is to find the zero of a non-linear equation. The standard
procedure for such a computation is Newton's method (see Sidebar 8.1).
Sidebar 8.1: Newton 1 's Method
Newton's method is a mathematical standard method for the determination of
the zeros of a function. Let's introduce the method for functions of one
variable f ( x ) first before extending it to several dimensions.
Newton's method is an iterative method; i.e. starting from an initial guess,
a new approximation for the zero is computed in each iteration step.
The formula for the next approximation of the zero is:
f 0 ðxÞ
x x
1 Isaac Newton (1642-1727), English scientist and philosopher.
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