Environmental Engineering Reference
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time at a specified location. The term is common in experimental sciences, where
breakthrough curves are recorded in column experiments. The set-up in a column
experiment corresponds to the situation described by the Ogata-Banks solution.
A front of usually increased concentration enters a 1D system in which at certain
positions and certain time instants measurements are taken. A breakthrough curve
results if the values measured at one of the locations are plotted against time.
the plot (c) command yields breakthrough curves, if the
concentrations for the current time step are added in another row of the matrix,
as it is done by MATLAB ® pdepe . The first formal parameter [0 t] determines
the x -axis.
Extended versions of the m-files 'analtrans.m' , 'simpletrans.m' and 'pdepetrans.
m' are included in the accompanying software. The extensions are explained in
the following chapters.
Appelo CA, Postma D (1993) Geochemistry, groundwater and pollution. Balkema, Rotterdam,
p 536
Baehr HD, Stephan K (1994) W
ubertragung. Springer, Berlin, p 697
Holzbecher E, Sorek S (2005) Numerical models of groundwater flow and transport, In: Anderson
M (ed.) Encyclopaedia of hydrological sciences, Wiley, Vol. 4, Part 13, Art. 155, 2401-2414
Ogata A, Banks RB (1961) A solution of the differential equation of longitudinal dispersion in
porous media, US Geological Survey, Professional Paper No. 411-A
Wexler EJ (1992) Analytical solutions for one-, two-, and three-dimensional solute transport
in groundwater systems with uniform flow, Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations of
the United States Geological Survey, Book 3, Chapter B7, p 190
arme- und Stoff
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