Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
ACP Autoridad del Canal de Panamá (Panama Canal Authority)
Afro-Antillano Panamanian of African heritage from the West Indies
Afro-Colonial Panamanian of African heritage from the Spanish colonial era
ANAM Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente (Department for the Environment)
ANCON Asociación Nacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza - Panama's most prominent environmental
artesanías traditional handicrafts
ATP Autoridad de Turismo Panamá
barrio neighbourhood; suburb
bohío see rancho
bomba pump at a petrol station, often shorthand for the petrol station itself
cacique chief (originally a colonial term, now used for elected leaders/figureheads of indigenous comarcas)
campesino peasant farmer
cantina local, hard-drinking bar, usually men-only
chiva rural bus, which may be a converted pick-up
colectivo shared taxi/minibus, usually following fixed route (can also be applied to a boat - lancha colectiva)
colono generally a mestizo farming settler who originated from the Azuero Peninsula and central areas and moved
to colonize other parts of the country
comarca semi-autonomous area demarcated for the major indigenous peoples
cordillera mountain range
diablo rojo colourful painted buses of Panama City
feria fair (market); also a town fête
finca ranch, farm or plantation
gringo/gringa any light-skinned foreigner, particularly a North American
guardaparque park warden
huaca pre-Columbian gold treasure buried with the dead in a tomb
INAC Instituto Nacional de Arte y Cultura (government department in charge of museums and preservation of cul-
tural heritage)
indígeno/a an indigenous person (also used adjectivally)
ladino a vague term - applied to people it means Spanish-influenced as opposed to indigenous, and at its most spe-
cific defines someone of mixed Spanish and indigenous blood
mestizo person of mixed indigenous and Spanish blood, though like the term ladino it has more cultural than racial
metate pre-Colombian stone table used for grinding corn
mochilero backpacker
montuno traditional male costume consisting of a loose cotton shirt and knee-length trousers
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