Travel Reference
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Cabañas Kuanidup Kuanidup 6742 7656 (ask for Sra Petita), . Neat
and well-kept sandy cane cabañas with shared toilet and shower facilities and electricity in
the cabins; across the central grassy area there's a bar and a couple of open-sided restaurant
areas. Rates include daily tour and transfer from Cartí. $90 /person
Cabañas Narasgandup Naranjo Chico 6501 6033, . The first
lodgings to be built on the island and they still have their own beach, set apart from the com-
petition. At the back of the beach a row of traditional en-suite cabañas (for 2-5 people) look
out to sea. A couple of pricier ones ($130/person) are over the water. Though rustic, they
are nicely done, with bamboo tables and towels provided, but are still overpriced. The dining
room, which serves good food, and lobster or crab once a day except in the closed season , is
superbly located on a coral landfill promontory off the beach. All-inclusive rates include loc-
al tours and boa t tra nsfers from Cartí or El Porvenir, but trips to Isla Perro and Cayos Holan-
déses are extra. $80 /person
Cabañas Robinson Naranjo Chico 6721 9885, . Owned
by the engaging Arnulfo Robinson, who speaks English, these are probably the cheapest cane
huts in the whole of western Guna Yala - so don't expect much. Shared makeshift shower and
bathroom and rock-bottom-priced e xcu rsions too. Rates inc lude accommodation and food,
with transfer from Cartí $20. Dorms $25 /person, cabañas $30 /person
Cabañas Senidup Senidup 6945 4301, . Run by a fam-
ily cooperative from Soledad Miria, this place offers a handful of simple cabañas , plus an
occasionally functioning toilet/shower, solar-powe red electricity in the di ning area, a shady
volleyball court and a pleasant dining area. Dorms $26 /person, cabañas $3 /person
Franklin's Place Senidup 6156 5711 or 6768 4075. Officially Cabañas Dubesenika ,
this is a legendary party spot with eighteen tightly packed cane huts with sand floors, a
dirt-volleyball court and dreamy views of a palm-framed Caribbean. Guests share a basic
communal shower/toilet area, and luxuries such as juice, snacks, beer and cigarettes can be
bought at the English-speaking Franklin's “office”. The generator runs 6-10pm, when the
partying begins. Rates include (basic and sometimes small) meals. Because of the larger num-
bers, island-hoppi ng b oat trips and fish ing excursions, though extra, are cheap. Transfer from
Cartí $20. Dorms $20 /person, cabañas $35 /person
Hotel Guna Yala Nusatupu 6887 1400 (Alejandro López), .
Housed in a two-storey cement structure with a canteen producing tasty meals on the ground
floor and a handful of breezy rooms upstairs, each with two windows, ensuring good views.
Rooms are basic with beds of varying quality and minimal, if any, other furniture, plus a
shared flush toilet and shower. Make sure you get up onto the rooftop, whic h af fords a splen-
did panorama. Rates include meals and a daily tour and transfer from Cartí. $80 /person
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