Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
1.6 What are the main sources of methane emissions? What can be done to
reduce these?
1.7 What are the main sources of N 2 O emissions?What can be done to reduce these?
In which ways can mankind adapt to climate change impacts, and which roles
can biomass play in such adaptations?
Are there also natural sources that lead to acidification of water?
1.10 Show, by means of a chemical reaction equation, howmarble is attacked chem-
ically by acid rain caused by SO x emissions.
Particulate matter (PM) emitted by combustion processes is of concern to both
health and climate. Explain why.
1.12 Explain the effects of direct land use change (dLUC) and indirect land use
change (iLUC) on the emission of GHG compounds. Give an example of a
GHG emission increase scenario for both forms of LUC.
1.13 Would the use of biomass residues that otherwise would be considered as waste
lead to LUC or changes in GHG emissions?
What are the differences between two policy strategies to mitigate CO 2 emis-
sions, Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI)?
1.15 Which mechanism (CDM or JI) do you think would be more effective in GHG
emission reduction?
1.16 In literature, biomass is often referred to as first-, second-, and third-generation
biomass. What is meant by these terms? Can you identify some biomass types
for each of these generations?
1.17 What is the phenomenon of eutrophication; is there a risk of this when growing
biomass for energy supply?
Why is maintaining biodiversity so important when planning crop implemen-
tation for bioenergy production?
1.19 There are multiple ways to classify biomass into different categories; compare
some of these and mention pros and cons of such approaches.
1.20 How would you categorize cotton used for energy conversion? Is it wise to use
this plant species?
Miscanthus is a fast-growing energy crop species; it is characterized as a
; what is meant by this term and what distinguishes it from
C3 plants?
1.22 Figure 1.9 shows the biomass potential for primary energy supply on a global
scale. Why do the reported magnitudes among the references differ (even if
they are given by the same authors)?
1.23 What should be done in order to decrease biomass feedstock costs?
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