Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
the shibboleths of the market economy and increasingly marketized societies of this
world (Blewitt, 2013a). It may also need to recover some of the urgency around
environmental and ecological matters, which for Helen Kopnina (2012b) have been
too much ignored by many ESD advocates. If we are to live in harmony with the
planet, we need to learn and to teach from a clear and distinct commitment to
Communication and learning are discussed in many places in this topic, but this
chapter strives to identify more precisely why learning and communication are
important and how they connect with each other. We can learn through good
communication and communicate through learning and both need to resonate with
the transformative practices that affect both self and others. Learning can be informal
or formal. It is possible to study formal college or university programmes on
sustainable development or watch serious documentaries or become immersed in
exciting Hollywood movies, and an increasing number of computer games, which
take sustainability, or more likely crises emanating from unsustainability, as their
central theme. Fine art, theatrical performances on stage or in the street, marketing
and advertising, photography and blog posts on the Internet, can all play a part in
spreading pro-sustainable messages and entreating people to think and act differ-
ently. Indeed, media literacy is itself a form of citizenship education for all of us
who now inhabit the global mediapolis. Education for Sustainable Development
(ESD) has gradually increased its influence on teaching and learning practice, but it
is not yet mainstream or even universally applauded. All education is, in effect,
environmental and sustainable education is, by design or by default, here to stay.
Thinking questions
When does sustainability communication end and education for sustainable
development begin?
How important are feature films and television in raising ecological awareness?
In what ways can images be more powerful than the spoken or the printed word
in promoting sustainable development?
What is the likely influence of new and emerging media technologies on com-
munication, learning and sustainability?
In your view, what skills and knowledge does an eco-literate person need to
How can schools and colleges best promote sustainable development?
Companion website
Learning and communication are of vital importance in creating a more sustainable
world. If you want to learn more about communicating sustainability, visit the
companion website for some additional case studies and some pointers on how to
communicate more effectively.
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