Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
East, to the regeneration of specific neighbourhoods in some ancient cities in Europe,
to a new urbanism in the United States. As the world's population steadily expands
towards nine billion, and as more and more people are born in or migrate to cities,
the everyday experience of urban life is going to be the dominant experience of
sustainability . . . or unsustainability. If we are to be sustainable, then it is essential
that we start with where most people live and work.
Thinking questions
In your view, what is the value of utopian thinking to sustainable development?
Does each separate worldview imply a specific vision of the future?
In what ways do sustainable architecture, planning and design benefit from
utopian thinking?
Are ecovillages practical utopias?
What is an ecopolis?
What is the relationship, if any, between utopian visioning, and scenario analysis
and backcasting?
Companion website
So what does sustainable development look and feel like? Please visit the companion
website for additional case studies on sustainable design and urban sustainability.
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