Environmental Engineering Reference
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cultural services that provide recreational, aesthetic and spiritual benefits; and
supporting services such as soil formation, photosynthesis and nutrient cycling.
Despite the growth in human ingenuity, knowledge and technology, the survival
and flourishing of human society is utterly and ultimately dependent on these eco-
system services. The MEA (2005) understands human well-being as consisting of:
basic material for a good life , such as secure and adequate livelihoods, enough
food at all times, shelter, clothing, and access to goods;
health , including feeling well and having a healthy physical environment, such
as clean air and access to clean water;
good social relations , including social cohesion, mutual respect, and the ability
to help others and provide for children;
security , including secure access to natural and other resources, personal safety,
and security from natural and human-made disasters; and
freedom of choice and action , including the opportunity to achieve what an
individual values doing and being.
However, the MEA (2005: 1) recognizes that freedom of choice and action is also
influenced by education, political culture and economic well-being. It is therefore a
scientific study informed by social, cultural and human contexts. There are four
main findings:
￿ Food
￿ Fresh water
￿ Wood and fibre
￿ Fuel
￿ . . .
￿ Personal safety
￿ Secure resource access
￿ Security from disasters
Basic material for good life
￿ Adequate livelihoods
￿ Sufficient nutritious food
￿ Shelter
￿ Access to goods
Freedom of choice
and action
Opportunity to be
able to achieve
what an individual
values doing and
￿ Nutrient cycling
￿ Soil formation
￿ Primary production
￿ . . .
￿ Climate regulation
￿ Flood regulation
￿ Disease regulation
￿ Water purification
￿ . . .
￿ Strength
￿ Feeling well
￿ Access to clean air and water
￿ Aesthetic
￿ Spiritual
￿ Educational
￿ Recreational
￿ . . .
Good social relations
￿ Social cohesion
￿ Mutual respect
￿ Ability to help others
Figure 7.1 The constituents of well-being
Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) (2005).
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